

  • Saral Churna

    ₹ 120

    :  Saral powder & tablets are typically made from natural herbs, fruits, and plants, which are known for their gentle and safe for gut.

    :  It provides a mild and non-aggressive approach to relieving constipation, promoting natural bowel movements without causing discomfort.

    :  Saral aims to balance the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) to address the root causes of digestive issues.

    :  Saral often helps improve overall digestion and regularity over time. It aids in detoxifying the digestive system, removing accumulated toxins.

    :  Saral is a combination of various herbs chosen for their digestive benefits, such as Cassia Angustifolia, Terminalia Chiluba, Carom Capsicum along with other         herbs.

    :  It considers the whole body and aim to restore balance in the digestive system rather than just providing temporary relief.

  • Saral Tablets

    ₹ 100

    :  Saral powder & tablets are typically made from natural herbs, fruits, and plants, which are known for their gentle and safe for gut.

    :  It provides a mild and non-aggressive approach to relieving constipation, promoting natural bowel movements without causing discomfort.

    :  Saral aims to balance the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) to address the root causes of digestive issues.

    :  Saral often helps improve overall digestion and regularity over time. It aids in detoxifying the digestive system, removing accumulated toxins.

    :  Saral is a combination of various herbs chosen for their digestive benefits, such as Cassia Angustifolia, Terminalia Chiluba, Carom Capsicum along with other herbs.

    :  It considers the whole body and aim to restore balance in the digestive system rather than just providing temporary relief.